CIPM Exam Past Questions and Answers
Sample Question 1
1. Identify the training technique that is based on hands-on experience.
(a) In-basket/in-tray
(b) Case study
(c) Discussion
(d) Lecturette
(e) Seminar
2. Identify which of the following is not CIPM’s stakeholder?
(a) Governing Council
(b) Professional Bodies
(c) Employees Unions
(d) Employers Associations
(e) None of the above
Sample Question 2
3. The lump sum payment to an employee upon his retirement is called ….
4. In government, what is the meaning of the word “secession? …
5. The theory of separation of power was formulated for the first time by …
6. Do you agree that the United State of America and Nigeria are good example of unicameral legislature.
7. Those whose right to vote is restricted to adults, or only those who possess specified qualifications irrespective of race, property or education are called …
8. Politics has two schools of thought ... and …
9. The parts that make up the whole of a system are called …
10. Is the unitary system of government the same with the parliament system? ….
11. In the second republic who was Nigeria’s senate president? …
12. The budgeting technique that justices each segment of the budget rather than merely adding to historical budgets or actual is called …
Sample Question 3
13. …………… needs in the workplace are generally associated with merit pay increases
and awards
A. security
B. secondary
C. esteem
D. self-actualization
E. growth
14. Basic need categories of Alderfer’s ERG theory include
A. experience, responsiveness, and growth
B. growth, relatedness, and experience
C. relatedness, esteem, and growth
D. relativity, growth and experience
E. growth, reinforcement, and esteem
Sample Question 4
Question 15
Cynthia, Abu, Chibuzo and Obasi have all agreed to form a trade union in their work-place A.P.C.P.D.P. Plc. The Company has objected to their proposal and threatened them with sack. They have finally formed and registered the trade union with over 50 members. The union has written the company demanding salary increment and reduction of working hours form 11 hours to 8 hours. The union has planned an indefinite strike in case the Company refuses their demand.
Now consider the following:
(i) Identify all the legal issues in this hypothetical case. [6 marks]
(ii) Advise the union on the legality or otherwise of the planned strike. [4 marks]
(iii) In case there is a dispute as a result of unresolved conflict of interest, list all the
processes/procedure for settling the dispute. [6 marks]
(iv) Are their constitutional and statutory provisions for forming a trade union?